Wheel Alignment


Wheel alignment assesses the positioning of each of your vehicle’s tyres in relation to both the road and each other. It’s the process of ensuring your vehicle’s wheels are set to the optimum position as indicated by the car manufacturer’s specifications.
There are a couple of common indications that suggest it’s time to take a look at your vehicle’s wheel alignment. At OMW Tuning, we ask the right questions to ensure we make an accurate diagnosis. 

Tell-tale Signs it’s Time to Check Your Vehicle
There are a couple of tell-tale signs that can be indicative of misaligned wheels. You may have started to notice handling issues while driving, such as your vehicle pulling or drifting to one side. The steering wheel may be increasingly difficult to control or it may have started to pull in a certain direction, causing your vehicle to veer towards the left or the right.

Another indication is uneven or rapid tyre wear. You can check to see whether your vehicle’s tyres are wearing abnormally by running your hand over them. Unsteady braking or a squealing noise may also suggest a misalignment issue.

What Causes Wheel Misalignment?
From hitting a pothole to nudging a kerb, sudden jarring while out on the road can have an effect on the alignment of your vehicle’s wheels. 
Over time, parts can also become worn and lead to a shift in alignment. 

What to Do if You Pick Up on a Problem?
For full functionality and safety, it’s important that your vehicle’s wheels are accurately aligned. Our specialist, cutting-edge wheel alignment tool can quickly assess the tracking status of your vehicle’s wheels. We’ll then adjust accordingly to ensure optimum performance, safety and driving comfort.

Whether you’ve noticed an issue or not, it’s always advisable to get your tyre alignment checked at least once a year. Prevention is better than cure. Regular vehicle servicing helps to identify concerns before they develop into problems. Wheel alignment checks prevent premature wear, keep your vehicle running costs down and ensure you’re driving safely on the road.

At OMW Tuning, we offer a full wheel alignment service. Our competitive prices, superior technology and industry expertise ensure you and your vehicle are in safe hands.

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